Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Late Night TESCO-ing

When Ian got home last night, him and Booski wanted to go to TESCO's. So we made a trip just for the sake of it. It's was pretty cool.

It's the best time to go shopping because there is hardly anyone around. the only downfall of late night shopping is that you can't buy alcohol (but that wasn't the purpose for our shop last night). We left at 1am.

It was the cheapest and heathiest shop we have done with late night shopping (that's probably because we used to go with Yaz and she's a bad influence to shop with. hehehe). we bought lunch for today. And I thought I'd try Duck and Orange Pate (it's not bad actually. So I have breakfast for the next three days).

Booski didn't buy anything, she just wanted to go for a ride. Bless her cottons.....

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