Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2nd Day Orientation at Burswood

Had an awesome day until I had to speak to the bitch at Paddy Hannan's (where I'll be working). All she is is a Head Bar Person but I tried to tell her about Connies and hw they are wanting me to work atleast 1 night over the weekend (Friday/Saturday) and they girl just turned around and said "Well you are going to have to work here. Your expected to." I wasn't impressed. First I was looking for a full-time job and they give me casual. Second of all, they can't expect me to give up a job which can offer me 40 hours over 4 days (if I want) to work only 1 or 2 shifts over the weekend to cover them. And thirdly, she made a comment saying that I don't know why they are still hiring for here because we have enough Full-time/part-timers to fil in the roster anyway. Then we asked what shifts we are doing, and she came out with it doesn't look like you are working this week cause you aren't on the rosters.

So I haveto speak to the assistant manager tomorrow and talk to her about the rosters and Connies and shit. ANd I think I wanna say something about this girl..... why does she think she can talk to us like that. I mean we are only just starting out and I was asking questions about the place and it felt like I was inconveniencing her. They other guy that was there with me on orientation looked at me at one stage and looked at me like "who does she think she is?". So I'll see how the talk goes tomorrow with the manager person. Otherwise, I think I might just stick with Connies. Burswood has all the perks that anyonewould want and the career opportunities but if that's what it's gonna be like then screw that.... I wanna work and have fun....

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